I have started exploring hyper-spectral imaging technologies and their application for vein detection. The aim of this project is to assess the performance of various image classification algorithms for detecting and locating veins within hyper-spectral images in order to help nurses with injection.
I joined Dr Swift’s group in the University of Bradford to work on Polymer/Bacteria sensing technologies, primarily to analyse and characterise the polymer/bacteria combinations
Working closely with Prof Raed Abd-Alhameed and others, I aim to design, develop and build an RFID tag antenna for high read range detection of patient activity. This research is cutting edge and can help change the way elderly and vulnerable patients are monitored without any attachment onto their body or ware.
A summer project in University of Bradford proposes the use of low-cost wearable RFID sensors embedded in regular clothing items to accurately track the positioning of a person and monitor patients in a confined space.
A Summer project which focuses on the application of Wireless Power Transfer to robotic surgical tools and capsule robotics.
The number of women affected by breast cancer has risen by 12 % in last decade, but research has demonstrated how early detection helps cure the disease before it can cause serious harm. Our project is focused on developing a prototype for early breast cancer detection using microwaves.