Driving innovation and growth Universities have a key role to play in economic and societal development, and the Leeds City Region is making significant investments to support regional growth, innovation and opportunity. With our strong background in commercialisation and our unrelenting focus on collaboration, we have a proven track record of helping the business sector […]
Creating confident communicators – Rowan Grant Twitter: @RowanHGrant; LinkedIn: Rowan Grant As a communications professional, I put what I preach into practice. Alongside the Twitter accounts I help to run for Translate and the Medical Technologies IKC, I also have a personal account. I follow other organisations and other relevant individuals, many of them medtech researchers. […]
Translate in Action 2018 reports on activities and achievements from Translate in its third year, with features from the programme team and first person accounts on progressing medical technologies and developing innovation skills.
Sareen is a Senior Lecturer in Biomedical Science at Leeds Beckett University, developing a new collaboration with Axxonet Global Limited and its Indian partner, Axxonet System Technologies India.
Viswadeep is a PhD student inthe Department of Electronic Engineering at the University of York, exploring the applications of cutting edge technology like Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Virtual Reality (VR) to improve healthcare.
Read more Imaging and DiagnosticsMy SecondmentTranslate: MeVideos
Steve is a Professor of Electronics at the University of York, developing technology that measures the symptoms of Parkinson’s disease.
Read more Imaging and DiagnosticsMy SecondmentTranslate: MeVideos