Growing MedTech Translation: a celebration of Translate and the launch of Grow MedTech
22 November 2018, 2-5pm
Creating a community has been one of the true successes of the Translate programme. We have enabled new connections to be made, cementing trust between the university partners across the region, and with health innovation organisations and industry.
Our role has been to create an environment that enables medtech innovation and development. Through training, mentoring, secondments and on-project learning, we have been equipping the Translate community with the knowledge, skills and collaborations needed to progress their technologies.
We are inviting you to join us this November in a celebration of Translate’s achievements:
- Hear about technologies progressed through Translate’s summer projects
- Join a discussion on accelerating medtech developments through secondments – with a panel of innovators, early career researchers, academics and enablers
- Learn about opportunities available from Translate beyond 2018
- Enjoy networking opportunities with the Translate community
The Grow MedTech launch immediately follows the Translate celebration, and we strongly encourage the Translate community to attend both events.
22 November 2018, 5-7.30pm
Grow MedTech is a new programme, funded by the Research England Connecting Capability Fund, supporting medical technology innovation in the Leeds and Sheffield City Regions.
Focusing on technology convergence and the de-risking of technologies, Grow MedTech will bring together leading technology and translational expertise in the Leeds and Sheffield City Regions in a patient-focussed and commercially-driven innovation system. It will enhance productivity and economic growth in the UK medical technology sector, while addressing the evolving health needs of the population.
At the launch event, you will have the opportunity to learn more about funding opportunities and support available through Grow MedTech and finish the evening with a networking drinks reception.
The full programme will be announced soon, but spaces are limited and registration is essential.
Book now to avoid disappointment.
14.00-14:05 Welcome
Professor John Fisher, University of Leeds
14:05-14:50 Panel: Translate secondments – progressing technologies, developing capabilities
Chaired by Dr Lisa Hill, University of Leeds
Dr Ruth Brown, Reliance Precision
Dr Lindsay Georgopoulos, Medipex
Ben Golland, University of Leeds
Uyi Igbinoba, Leeds Beckett University
Angel Jimenez-Aranda, Devices for Dignity
Bal Singh, Leeds Beckett University
Professor Steve Smith, University of York
Africa Smith De Diego, University of Leeds
14:50-15:45 Translate summer student projects
Chaired by Professor John Fisher, University of Leeds
Over summer, 26 student projects were funded by Translate. Find out about some of the technologies this funding helped to progress.
14:50-15:05 The development of remote and digital speech and language therapy systems for people with Parkinson’s Disease
Dr Anne Hurren and Joy Tasker, Leeds Beckett University
15:05-15:15 Surgical tech for developing countries
Dr Peter Culmer and Dr Will Bolton, University of Leeds
15:15-15:30 Summer Studentships: therapeutic and diagnostic medical engineering
Dr Peter Twigg, University of Bradford
15:30-15:45 Fabrication and characterisation of electrospun tubular scaffold for vascular tissue engineering
Dr Farshid Sefat, University of Bradford
15:45-16:00 Sustaining Translate
Dr Lisa Hill, University of Leeds
16:00-17:00 Tea, coffee and networking
Poster exhibition of summer student projects
17:00-17:35 Welcome & Grow MedTech with us: The Grow MedTech Team
Dr Josephine Dixon-Hardy, Director of Medical Technologies Innovation, University of Leeds
Dr Danielle Miles, Technology Innovation Manager and Programme Lead for Grow MedTech
Rowan Grant, Communications and Engagement Manager for Medical Technologies at Leeds
Kaeyo Kelly, Communications and Engagement Coordinator for Grow MedTech
17:35-18:00 Keynote speaker – Human centered design and digital convergence
Victoria Betton, Founder, M-Habitat
Victoria will share her insights into motivating collaboration focused on user centered design and the potential in digital convergence.
18:00-19:30 Drinks, canapes and networking