Growth of the medical devices sector looks set to remain at 10% for the foreseeable future and there is growing demand for increased reliability and lifetime performance of medical devices across a wide range of clinical areas. Orthopaedics are a major part of this field, where the cost of device failure and need for throughout life reliability are high.
Regenerative devices – Regenerative therapies delivered as Class III medical devices – are an emerging technology area with huge market potential. These scaffolds, biomaterials and devices that deliver tissue repair and regeneration take typically fewer than 10 years to translate into the market place and costs less than £10m – much less than all other forms of regenerative and cell therapies.
Leeds City Region is already the UK home of orthopaedic manufacturing and related medical engineering. Many successful medical device companies operating in the Leeds City Region started as major research initiatives at the University of Leeds, including Tissue Regenix Group (floated on AIM with a current market CAP of £150m), a spin-out setup to commercialise discoveries around tissue de-cellularisation technologies.
Our partner universities have significant expertise in this area, including experience in research and development, and also clinical practice:
- Anaesthetic and respiratory technology
- Cardiovascular and vascular devices
- Ophthalmic devices and equipment
- Orthopaedic and prosthetic devices
- Dental and maxillofacial technology
- Drug delivery
- Regenerative devices
- Smart materials and polymers
- Novel manufacturing processes based on hybrid and multi-systems fabrication
Associated Case Studies
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