Date published: 15/08/18

Touchless RFID for Patient Monitoring
- Name: George Oguntala
- Current Organisation: University of Bradford
In May, Translate opened its summer student project scheme to support small medical technology development projects in the Leeds City Region. The scheme proved to be a massive success and 26 unique projects were funded. Learn more about their work in this blog.
My name is George Oguntala and I am interested in the application of radio frequency identification technology (RFID) for patient monitoring. I am a student in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Faculty of Engineering and Informatics, University of Bradford.
The aims of my summer student project are as follows:
- Work closely with Prof Raed Abd-Alhameed and other researchers in the electromagnetic field to design, develop and build RFID tag antenna for high read range detection of patient activity whilst assessing its performance. This research is cutting edge and can help change the way elderly and vulnerable patients are monitored without any attachment onto their body.
- Apply and rely upon aspects of past knowledge gained from previous studies, such as using HFSS software for designing and optimizing the developed and designed RFID tag antenna, wireless insite software and healthcare technology skills for experimental measurement and simulation.
- Help broaden both inherent and acquired skills. Identifying any possible problems at the earliest design phases, finding creative solutions to complex problems, such as fall detection, and thinking outside the box for innovative solution.
The funding of my summer project has been used in four key areas.
Firstly, I will use the funding to purchase the following items:
- IMPINJ far field reader antenna (x2)
Part of the funding will then be used in attending a conference to present my result of the summer project before the research community.
Thirdly, more importantly, the funding will be used for transportation to and from different RFID manufacturing companies that are working in collaboration with Prof. Raed Abd-Alhameed.
Lastly, the detailed developed solution of the project will be published in IEEE Access.