Translate opportunities will be advertised through the Grow MedTech website from February 2019, and this website will not be kept up to date.
Working with old and new collaborations Name: Sareen Galbraith Current Organisation: Leeds Beckett University Current Position: Senior Researcher Secondment organisation: St Georges University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust London Developing the “Clasp” for neurological diseases My name is Sareen Galbraith and my research group focuses on neurological infections and disease. My first incoming Translate secondment brought a consultant […]
My name is Africa Smith de Diego and I am currently a second year PhD student at the CDT in Tissue Engineering & Regenerative Medicine, University of Leeds. My PhD project consists in building a medical device to deliver rapid-label free separation of stem cells from bone marrow for autologous stem cell therapy.
My name is Dr Robert J. Cooper and I am a Post-Doctoral Researcher working in the field of Computational Biomechanics at the University of Leeds. I decided to apply for a secondment with Arthritis Research UK in Chesterfield through the Translate:Me Programme to widen my understanding of the motivations and values of charitable medical research funders.
My name is Uyi Igbinoba from the School of Computing and Creative Technologies at Leeds Beckett University. I am currently working on an application for post-stroke patients. My goal is to help post-stroke patients gain some independence on their pathway towards full recovery. To achieve this I am exploring machine learning algorithms, key data features and objective ways of evaluating post stroke recovery.
My name is Alice and I am a PhD student at the University of Leeds. My research is in the field of tissue engineering and regenerative medicine where I am developing a device to isolate a specific population of stem cells for use in autologous stem cell therapies. I decided to apply for a secondment as I think it is an amazing opportunity to gain experience in a different role and I am keen to finish my PhD with a wealth of experiences to widen my career prospects and make the most of the opportunities available.